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Taking a break

Talking about taking break.. I really should meant taking break to study.. not the other way around. Why? i've spent 80% of my study week's time to do irrelevant stuffs. Such as? well...

1) Jia Hong's Birthday for example.
Birthday Boy~

The Pretty~

My 'sisters'~ shit, i'm their sister =.=
(we talk about everything most of the things.. etc, cosmetics shits.)

And the Gays~

2) Going out for movie

(this is not out yet, we watched "Ice Kacang Cendol Puppy Love?" forgot that stupid name.>_<)

3) Having random McD lunch with my gay partner.

I've no idea if there will be another chance eating McD with him as he is about to grad.. T.T

I had this double McChicken. Just 1 more piece of chicken. That's about it. >_<

4) Assignment Digging

Have been having this for like more than 3 times.. were camping at Walk-in Taipei Cafe for a few days trying to finish up our assignment. The only one left until week14. >_< href="">Hun Seng , and Jean Li. They are some how superhuman.

Our group supposedly have 4 people including me. But like every group out there, turns out to be a 'heartbreaker' in our group as well. She don't turn up for meetings, discussions, and even if she did, she will be in her own world doing her own shits things.. what things? ohh, erm lemme' gib you some example, is downloading some youtube fangirls video while we were nearly dried up trying to think solutions to our assignment be sufficient enough? we were there cracking our head trying to do the codings, and she is there "READILY" to type in the documentation. Saying that we need to have a rough idea of our coding in order for her to finish up her documentation so she can do useless some revision , and not WASTE HER TIME!?! FTW!!. When our projects have finally done, she didn't even know what we are doing about. The documentation she did is somehow rubbish urgh.. irrelevant!!. (wrong in many ways, don't know where she copy and paste it) Yet, she still able to show us those fucked up snobbish face in front of us. As if we owe her? C'mon, if weren't for Hun and Jean, you're probably in deep shit.. AGAIN. (yesh, she did fail once on this subject.)

5) Movies again today. (=_=)

Gosh.. this is getting really really horrible. I even have nightmare sometimes that my grandfather creeps out from his grave asking why am i not studying. I tried!! i really do.

See?? i've arranged all my notes.

But when i stack them up together. Is a whooping 3cm thick of notes.. Each page is double-sided printed, 8 slides per page. Meaning there are 16 slides per page of paper.. and times the thickness of the paper.
Shit you do the math, my math is my last paper so i'm gonna leave them alone for a while.. not until i finish up all my papers.! XD

I have no plan B.

(this look awfully like L4D2 posters.. 4 dudes with guns.)

I'm just gonna start take a break on doing irrelevant things.. Really.. this time.. Today!!
The next post hopefully, will be right after my final exams.! XD

ps: Are my post way too long everytime that it starts to annoy you? do leave me a comment. =)


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